We deliver products and services focused on improving national security and enhancing mission capability through technology advancement. And we bake in innovation, energy, unity, and fun. We’re all about mission technology – with heart. Learn More...
We provide services in systems engineering, testing, high performance computing, cybersecurity, intelligence analysis, and mission-focused program management. Our services have one common element -- they focus on advancing the realm of what is possible today. Learn More...
Some people think high-tech companies have to be cold, unfeeling machines. That’s not BCT. If you want to work with top-notch professionals who solve the toughest problems while working as a caring, integrated, and supportive unit, BCT is for you. Learn More...
Giving back to our global and local communities is crucially important to BCT and central to our culture. We tap the same enthusiasm and ingenuity we apply to client problems in contributing to causes that matter to our professionals. Learn More...