10810 Guilford Road, Suite 111 | Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
To deliver residential, medical, and educational support, BCT and its staff members have supported missions that provide help and hope in communities around the world.
BCT supports mission trips to assist Ukrainian refugees and other needy people in Romania.
BCT supported a mission trip to construct a teacher residence for Windswept Academy in Eagle Butte, South Dakota. Windswept Academy meets the needs of children of the Cheyenne River Lakota Nation who suffer from poverty, poor nutrition, and sub-standard education.
BCT supports a ministry that delivers much-needed food, clothing, and school supplies to impoverished families in the small town of Hi Hat, KY.
While social conditions in Nicaragua are slowly improving, millions of citizens continue to suffer from malaria, poor diet, and other health problems. Over several years, BCT has assisted the northeastern villages of Condega and Ranchos by building a medical and nutrition center, a school, and a church and providing food, clothing, and scholarships.
BCT supports Summit Grove, a Year Round Christian Camp that provides family retreats, conferences, and summer camps for inner city children. Summit Grove Christian Conference Center also provide facilities and programs for concentrated times of study, prayer, and enrichment.
Thank you for your continued hands on support to Windswept Academy. What a great friend and encouragement you all are to our people on the reservation.
10810 Guilford Road, Suite 111 | Annapolis Junction, MD 20701